Evolution and Religion Part III

This post is the third in a series in conversation with Martin Michael Blume, prompted by his original post on www.scilogs.com. See my first post, Michael’s reply, and my second post.  Dear Michael, Thanks again for taking the time to engage with me earlier. Sorry that this…

Evolution and Religion Part II

This is a reply to Martin Michael Blume’s comment to my previous post, which was itself was a comment on his blog on www.scilogs.com. Martin Michael — Thanks for the links (reproduced below) and for engaging with my comment! I’ve read those two papers now –they are…

Evolution and Religion

The explanatory power of evolutionary theory is clear. However, these days, people seem to rush to evolutionary explanations for all sorts of real and perceived human behaviours. The danger of doing this is that in going straight to the question of the origins of what we’re trying to understand,…

Ignorance and Power, Critical Studies in Education 50(3)

Here’a another exercise in the anthropology of ignorance, this time focused on ignorance in education — a special issue of Critical Studies in Education from 2009. The introduction, by Neriko Musha Doerr explains: While resonating with Bourdieu’s theoretical formulation that it is relations of dominance that create the legitimacy…

Ignorance Mobilization - Joanne Gaudet

I’ve just come across the work of Joanne Gaudet, a PhD candidate at the University of Ottawa who has been working on issues of ignorance and the productivity of ignorance from a sociological — and especially sociology of science — point of view. She has a website with a number of…