Kwame Anthony Appiah on Cosmopolitanism
Here’s another video on cosmopolitanism, this one by Kwame Appiah, who has written on the topic: Kwame Anthony Appiah in Examined Life – YouTube.…
Here’s another video on cosmopolitanism, this one by Kwame Appiah, who has written on the topic: Kwame Anthony Appiah in Examined Life – YouTube.…
Here’s an interesting interview with Stuart Hall, in which he speaks about cosmopolitanism and rootedness — relevant to the previous post: Pnina Werbner interviewing — I’ve transcribed the most relevant bit below. 23.30 PW: Can you be a cosmopolitan if you…
Tuesday saw the first of a series of reading groups that I’m organizing at CRASSH on the subject of ethical conversations across borders. There will be four sessions this term, each dealing with a different theme, taking in readings from anthropology, sociology, philosophy and history. The first session, on…