Schumacher's 'Buddhist economics'

I’ve been talking to a colleague recently about developing a project on religion and economics under the auspices of the Religion and Political Culture Network (RPCN) at the University of Manchester. This has got me thinking about Buddhism, economics and Buddhist economics, and has led me to reread Ernst…

'Neoliberalism' as 'conceptual trash heap'

This is my first post in a long time. Over the last year I moved to Manchester and started teaching full time. I hope to return to blogging from time to time. Recently I’ve seen the transcript of the 2012 GDAT debate on the concept of neoliberalism, which is…

“Neoliberal is henceforth dead to me"

Thanks to Theo Kyriakides (@Theo_Kyriakides), who was present at the GDAT debate on neoliberalism for alerting me to a post by Kathleen Fitzpatrick of Pomona College. She writes, I have come to despise the term “neoliberal,” to the extent that I’d really like to see it stricken from…

GDAT 2012: Debating "neoliberalism"

On Saturday I had the pleasure of taking part in GDAT, an annual debate on anthropological theory hosted by Manchester University. GDAT, the Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory, was started in the late 80s by Tim Ingold, and has been organized and chaired more recently by Soumhya Venkatesan. This…